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Blacklist/Whitelist Rule
4 Articles
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Blacklist/Whitelist Rule
4 Articles
in this category
What is the blacklist/whitelist rule?
As we run ads, we often find irrelevant and poor-performing search terms. For example, if we sell spatula, we do not want " spatula toys " to be triggered in our existing and future ads. With the blacklist algorithm, you can create a list of irrel...
Updated on : 08 Nov 2024
Blacklist keywords automatically
You can set up rules to automatically add new negative keywords to the blacklist. Negative Rule Check the option "Add To Blacklist." Negative Word Rule Check the option "Add To Blacklist" to add new negative keywords to the blackli...
Updated on : 02 Nov 2024
Considerations with blacklist rule
Consider whitelisting related, singular, and plural forms of essential keywords. On rare occasions, algorithms can negate search terms that impact good-performing keywords. For example, the negative algorithms may negate "spatula-turner" (with a h...
Updated on : 07 Oct 2022
Why are blacklisted keywords not negated?
If the blacklist algorithm did not negate some blacklisted keywords, it is most likely because the negative keyword already exists in the ad group. If you preview the blacklist algorithm, you can verify that existing negative keywords will not appe...
Updated on : 03 Oct 2022