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Import Rule
8 Articles
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Import Rule
8 Articles
in this category
What is the import rule?
The import rule analyzes aggregated search term performance and adds new keywords or product targets to your existing ad group . Navigation: Automation > Import Rule How does the algorithm work? When we look to add per...
Updated on : 04 Aug 2023
How to import from auto campaigns?
If your goal is to import search terms from Auto campaigns , choose "Auto Campaign" as your search terms source . Navigation: Automation > Import Rule > Create Rule > Search Terms Source Auto campaigns are grouped by their a...
Updated on : 26 Apr 2024
How to create and assign custom groups?
Overview You can create a custom group to aggregate search terms data from specific ad groups across different campaigns and import the search terms to another ad group. This method applies to multiple campaigns and ad groups associated with the sa...
Updated on : 22 Mar 2023
Considerations with import rule
Scope search terms by Campaign for multi campaigns structure If you have multiple campaigns with unique seed keywords (etc., 10 keywords per campaign structure), avoid aggregating by Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands , as this might cause t...
Updated on : 17 Oct 2022
Optimizing ads with tons of keywords
A campaign with import rules may accumulate massive lists of keywords over time. Having tons of keywords in the same ad can have some undesirable impacts: The campaign budget may not be sufficient to drive traffic to all the keywords. High...
Updated on : 17 Oct 2022
How to undo imported keywords?
You can remove the keywords/targets added by the import rule. Navigation: Automation > Change Log > Import Rule Select the row on the Import Rule tab and click 'Revert.' Note: To prevent the keyword from being impor...
Updated on : 14 Oct 2022
Why are keywords not imported?
The import algorithm will not import keywords already in the ad group , especially if you create negative and import rules with the same criteria. For example, the Discovery strategic objectives are preset to add search terms with sal...
Updated on : 14 Oct 2022
Why import search terms with high ACOS?
One of the preset import rules, " [Campaign] Import >= 3 Orders & >= 80% ACOS as Exact ", creates exact keyword for search terms with >= 80% ACOS . This rule is in the " Sales Exact " strategic objective. The reason for having a...
Updated on : 17 Oct 2022