Negative keywords
  • 23 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

Negative keywords

Article summary

Sellers may sometimes add poor-performing search terms as negative keywords, not realizing some of them may later generate sales due to sales attribution.

The Negative Keywords report shows the list of negative keywords and sales generated within the selected time frame, allowing sellers to remove previously added negative keywords. 

Negative keywords
Only keywords negated by automation will appear on this page.

Navigation: Ads Insights > Negative Keywords


1. Campaign type

The system will list negative keywords for non-archived Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands campaigns.

2. Negated Keywords

Analyze if the search terms have generated sales within the selected time frame.

3. Triggered Rule

Review the triggered rule to determine if you intended to add the negative keyword base on your negative rule's objective.

Remove a keyword from the negative list.

To remove a negative keyword:

  1. Select the keyword row.
  2. Click the Remove button.

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