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Negative Rule
5 Articles
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Negative Rule
5 Articles
in this category
What is the negative rule?
The negative rule analyzes aggregated search term performance and adds negative keywords/ product targets to your ad group . Navigation: Automation > Negative Rule How does the algorithm work? When we look to negate keywords, ...
Updated on : 14 Oct 2022
Considerations with negative rule
Avoid assigning negative rules on ad groups with only exact keywords or product targets. Use bidding rules to reduce bids for poor-performing exact-match keywords or product targets until they become profitable or stop getting traffic. Use ...
Updated on : 10 Oct 2022
Why are search terms with sales negated?
If you use preset strategic objectives or create a Fully Managed Campaign using Mass Campaigns , you may find the negative algorithm negating keywords on search terms with sales. It is due to negative rules such as [ASIN] Remove Search Terms wi...
Updated on : 10 Oct 2022
Why are search terms not negated?
1. You evaluate performance using a different date range from the algorithm's evaluation period. By default, the negative algorithm skips the past 2 days of data and looks back 60 days from there. By default, other pages, such as Ads Insights &...
Updated on : 03 May 2023
How to remove negated keywords?
You can remove negated keywords added by the negative, negative word, and blacklist algorithm. 1. Go to Ads Insights > Negative Keywords You can check the rule and criteria that triggered the negation action on the Sponsored Products tab.&n...
Updated on : 10 Oct 2022