Overview of each algorithm
  • 02 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Overview of each algorithm

Article summary

Dayparting Algorithm

Pause or Enable ads at specific hours of the day.

Bidding Algorithm

Adjust keyword and target bids based on their historical performance.

Import Algorithm

Analyze search terms performance and add performing search terms as new Keywords or Product Targets into existing ads.

Negative Algorithm

Analyze search terms performance and add Negative Keywords and Product Targets in existing ads.

Negative Word Algorithm

Split every word from your search terms, aggregate their performance, and add Negative Phrase keywords for poor-performing words.

Blacklist Algorithm

You can define blacklisted keywords for each of your products. The algorithm will add Negative Exact or Negative Phrase keywords to your ads.

Revive Algorithm

Identify keywords no longer receiving traffic, find historically performing keywords, and gradually increase their bids until they start receiving clicks or until the bids reach a specific limit.

Default Bidding Algorithm

Analyzes ad group performance in your Auto Campaigns and adjust their Default Bids to achieve your target ACOS.

Status Algorithm

Pause or enable ads based on their performance.

Daily Budget Algorithm

Adjust the campaign's Daily Budget based on their performance and the day of the week.

Placement Algorithm

Adjust the campaign's Top of Search % or Product Page % based on the placement's performance.

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