Product revenue does not match units sold
  • 16 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Product revenue does not match units sold

Article summary

There can be cases where your product revenue does not match the units sold based on the selling price.

For example, a product with a $10 selling price may show the following:

  • 10 units sold with only $90 in revenue when the expected revenue is $100.
  • 2 units sold with $0 in revenue when the expected revenue is $20.

Here is why this can happen:

  • Amazon uses FBA to send customers replacements and records the sale for the order as $0.
  • You use Amazon's Vine service's review program. Amazon uses FBA to send the reviewer the product and records the sales for the order as $0.

Note: You can go to Seller Central's business report to see the sales dashboard for the date with the unusual sales. The sales in Seller Central and Scale Insights should match.

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