Ranking Exact/Phrase/Broad
  • 29 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read

Ranking Exact/Phrase/Broad

Article summary

The Ranking Exact/Phrase/Broad strategic objective helps to drive organic sales for the Single Keyword Campaign structure.

You can create such campaigns quickly with Mass Campaign > Split Keywords to Campaigns.

Navigation: Automation > Keyword Targeting

Ads Type: Manual Campaign / Keywords.

Automation Details

  • [Dayparting] Enables ad from 6 am to 9 pm.
  • [Bidding] Adjusts keyword bids to achieve 20% ACOS to 60% ACOS, depending on the keyword conversion.
  • [Import] Aggregates search terms within own campaign, adds search terms with >= 5 orders and >= 15% conversion as new Exact, Phrase, and Broad keywords.
  • [Negative] Aggregates search terms within own campaign, adds search terms with Low CTR and 0 orders as Negative Exact keywords in Phrase/Broad ad groups.
  • [Negative] Aggregates search terms within own campaign, adds search terms with >= 20 clicks and 0 orders as Negative Exact keywords in Phrase/Broad ad groups.

Considerations: Many sellers prefer having only exact match types for such campaigns. If your products have a high average order value, high conversion, or high-profit margin, you may want to remove the dayparting rule to run ads 24x7.

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