Unique words performance
- 21 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
Unique words performance
- Updated on 21 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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The Main Words report aggregates the search terms across all your ads grouped by product and analyzes the performance of each unique word.
You can identify essential keywords to add to your listing Title or use the Negative Word algorithm to negate irrelevant words to stop them from appearing in your ads.
Unique words
These are single-word terms that appear in your product's search term phrases.
Navigation: Ads Insights > Main Words
Check for missing keywords in your Title.
You can check if a unique word is in your Title. Check the performance, relevancy, and keyword volume before adding it to your Title.
Check search terms' performance.
Expand the rows to check the search terms related to the unique word and their performance.
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